The Philosophy Page
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I will stock this page with any decent philosophical conversation I come across, so feel free to send me some, perhaps you too will be immortalized.
A Rant for My Generation

Told how to think, told what to do. We are a youth culture of conformity and catastrophe. They tell me that I shouldn't smoke a cigarette, because now it isn't right. They tell me that alcohol is the root of all evil, that God is the answer, but logic is in question. Georgian's teach creationism (thats people from Georgia, USA, not from the ex soviet republic). The hell with this, I say. More power to those of us that will explode like a keg with the least inspiration. There was a riot a few days ago at my school, more power to those that participated in that. More power to me for my apathy.

Some cheese is actually more dangerous to your health than cigarettes...

  Existentialist Philosophy of the Month
The Sky was blue, the grass was green

-John Flickinger
(Not printed with permission but I thought it was funny as hell when he said it, it is a poem about Vietnam by the way. If you read this Mr. Flick, I mean no disrespect I swear.)

My own Philosophy
Who wants to know!!

Need something to put here...
For the first time in my life, I was told by a medical professional that I am no longer sane. I told him chim chim bureehey, and valhallen prey.

This is one of my favorite images

A reminder of what we have forgotten
I just thought I would put this up, it is something that I feel should be looked at occasionally to see what happens when thought is disregarded, and bias takes over

The Road of Excess leads to the Palace of Wisdom --- William Blake