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Bon apetite!

A poetry site with some very decent stuff and some true blue crap. I got into this little tiff with this poser Andyj and... well it was a mess and I decided that I probably wasnt the kind of poet that cared to post too much on the site. Hey, I am not much of a poet at all:) Anywho, I am going to bore you, check it out though. I have this link elsewhere in the site as well, I love The Doors and I believe that Jim Morrison was a genius. There, I said it. Recriminate me if you like, but I said it. A great satirical newspaper, full of entertaining little bits of media. In my estimation, its probably the best source of news off of comedy central. A good friend of mine runs this site. She is a trip and I love her for it, but if you meet her, just remember that she is dangerous, I once saw her take down ten armed men with a bent plastic fork...:)
Freedom of Speech A teacher of mine runs this site and this guy writes like a true blue extreme leftist. Read some of this stuff. I warn you, if you are in any of Mr. Helmlings classes, you might feel strangely towards Richard Helmling after reading his work. These feelings are called respect, I know, I know, it was hard for me too. If Mr. Helmling is reading this, kindly forget everything I just wrote... no respect here, nope, nu huh, you want respect, look it up between, umm, well, two other r words. I think I will shut up now. Its funny, trust me
Fark You want stuff... they got stuff, ever been showering and decided you needed caffeinated soap? they got caffienated soap. The list goes on, check it out, you owe it to the geek within.
Thinkgeek If you look real hard, there is the occasional decent clip.
Google You know those times where you are like, "what is he saying in this song?" Well this site is the answer, search and you will no longer be mystified by the lyrics to those thrash hardcore rock groups you listen to late at night. Dont try to deny it, the jazzman knows.
Sparknotes Most powerful search engine I know. So you havent read that book and you need to pass tomorrows test, for shame I say, for shame. Go to this site and read the entire selection on your assignment and I guaruntee you will pass, but I reiterate that the passing should be done in shame.
CNET I came across this while I was writing a paper on Hume for a friend, awesome if you want to learn to write a philosophy paper and you are not so great with research papers, or if you are sort of a visual learner philosophy wise.
MP3 This site will tell all of us with deficiencies in the computer area. Go spit!


I saw the greatest minds of my generation destroyed... Allen Ginsberg, Howl