The Official Internet Shack-In-The-Woods of the Drunken Jazzman
Living Room


Gun Closet

Kitchen Drawer

Guest Room


Back Door

Meeting Room

Dark Room

Well, now that your here, I am Jordan, the Drunken Jazzman, and I wish you well in my illgotten domain.

After hours of Caballic scripture translations and local ghost stories... not to mention pouring over various catholic dogmatic texts and the old testament apocrypha, I can trully say I am an atheist.

Also, after hours of scanning verse after verse of American poetry through the ages, I can trully say that my poetry is better than Stephan Crane's from a technical aspect... but ever so inferior when glanced at from a creative perspective.

This is the Drunken Jazzman himself, I have been forced my mine enemy to attack and to counterattack, and now, I am forced to defend myself against the allegations laid agains me... first off, I am not a communist, I simply admire the works of all the Marx's. Karl and Groucho included. I did not prance throught the flute rooms at Montwood, there aren't any flute rooms at Montwood to prance through, and I never, ever prance.
I am not impotant, unlike Clay, I simply have the ability to control myself and not hump everything in site... speaking of which, I believe several pieces of his furniture and computer hardware were subjected to just that recently, and are filing for divorce and for a restraining order.
If Clay is wise, he will forgoe any mention of Coffee tables and Jews that own them, the Drunken Jazzman will tell you, his faithful public now before it is released by my enemy with his usual slant, that I once fell onto a coffee table, no big deal... thats all that happened.
Those are not my legs, my ass is much fluffier and I just don't work well with leather.
I do not love, nor do I worship, the cock. Clay on the other hand, cannot make this claim
Clay has been dating a woman for months and gotten not so much as a blowjob, and he dares claim that I can't get any action to save my life? This reminds me, if anyone wants to contribute to the "Jordan messed up and implied that his decision to go to prom with a pretty girl was foolish when in fact, it is one of the smartest things he has ever done and needs money to take the girl out so that he can get back in the good in her book" fund.
So what if I chill with a few catholic clergymen? They are nice guys I swear, they aren't that kind of priest, shit guys, its not like all catholic priests are pedophiles... Clayton is... but all catholic priests aren't.
He is obese, just check the stretch marks.

Example Form


My Corkboard

Why Clay Sucks
Straight from the Jazzman himself
Quotes concerning the enemy
"His vicious lies anger the drunken jazzman..."
"He has both sets of genitalia"
"He hates children and kittens"
"He lost his left testical in a streetfight with Norah Jones"
"He believes drinking is for communists"
"I once saw him bitchslap a pony"
"He hates Texas"
"He is a Japanese spy working to overthrow the U.S. Government"
"He lost his right testical in a barfight with Madonna"
"He dreams about Jonathan at night, dirty, dirty dreams"
"He lost his other right testical in a tragic weedwacker accident while stripping in Vegas for gas money home"
The Enemy of the Drunken Jazzman


The Drunken Jazzmans Email Address