The Meeting Room
Living Room


Gun Closet

Kitchen Drawer

Guest Room


Back Door

Meeting Room

Dark Room

The Club Dogma

Secret Society Communications

Several representatives of the club, myself included, recently viewed The Hunted, with Tommy Lee Jones and Benicio Del Toro... it has reaffirmed my belief in the club dogmatic expression concerning the necessity of being armed. Also, I am considering putting to council a rule concerning the necessity of training in the Applegate/Fairburn style of knife fighting, just in case. Additionally, I have a new ambition to become a deep woods tracker. Basically, you live in the woods, chase convicts, help local wildlife... and all this, only with a knife.

Alright, in the face of growing the growing number of applicants for membership, the council has been forced to make certain demands. The following actions on the part of an applicant will nearly guaruntee you a vote on the behalf of the council member above the suggestion.

The Grand Armorer/Inquisitor

A paragraph (or more) on the topic of the Art of War by Sun Tzu. This paragraph should reflect either your feelings on the work itself or your interpretation of a chapter or even a sentence in the piece. It should be as long as it needs to be, and as short as it needs to be. While the mere effort it takes to do this task will nearly give you the vote of this council member, if it is poorly written or obviously copied you will earn nothing but an enemy in the council.

The Minister of Justice

Bake a dessert. It must be good, doesn't have to be great, but it must be good. Furthermore, you must make it yourself. If it is discovered that the baked good in question is store bought or baked by anyone but the applicant, another enemy in the council will be earned... and this one has two votes, thats one more than any other council member due to his office as the minister of justice. Not the right person to make your enemy.

The Director of the FDA and Homeland Security

A short mathematical exam will be administered to you upon your acceptance of the challenge. Completion of a certain percentage of the problems within one minute will guaruntee the vote of this council member, and participation will go a long way even without passage of the exam (but passage would be much, much better.)

The Minister of Transportation/Communication

So far, this councilman has suggested another written exam... this one concerning The Simpsons instead of mathematics. I suggested that he change it, in order to facilitate more variety... but as it stands, thats how it is.

The Secretary of State

Bring this councilman the heart of a four foot dragon, or, in an interview setting (alone with the Secretary or to the council) explain why you would be valuable using a maximum of ten words.

Meetings, events, yeah... none of you are idiots, you figure out what I meant by news.